We look forward to seeing everyone on the 8th of June.
With these unique times we are taking extra precautions to ensure the highest level of safety. We will continue these procedures until we have further notice.
All training will be done by appointment only.
Groups will be limited to a 10 person max and must be scheduled via the Mind Body Application.
All equipment will be cleaned by your fitness professional after you use them. That means you can have full confidence that when you go to use a piece of equipment it has been sanitized.
Front door and garage door (within reason) will remain open for touchless entry and exit to the facility.
At this time only client and trainers will be allowed in the facility. Parents, guardians, siblings, or friends who bring clients will be asked to wait in the parking lot or drop off at the facility.
Without the requirement of masks we will ask everyone to have a towel (that we will provide) with them at all times. If you need to sneeze, cough, or cover your mouth at any time we will ask that you do so in the towel and then place the towel in the used towel bin.
All lights will remain on so no light switches will need to be touched.
We will ensure social distancing guidelines are re-inforced.
Each area of the training floor is naturally a 6' area minimally and has everything in that space that you will need.
We will ask at this time to only use the water bottle filler feature on the water fountain and not drinking part of the water fountain.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and support during this time.
Your TELEO Team